Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday's Favorites: Fall is Here!

So, I think Fall has become my new favorite season. Now that I'm old enough to actually notice how hot it gets outside in the summer, that season is out. I do love living in a place that gets all 4 seasons. The cooler weather isn't the only reason why I love Fall though. Here's some more:

Pasta e Fagioli from Olive Garden
I love soup. I eat it several days a week for lunch, and if I get the chance to make a big batch in the crock pot I'm all over that. One of my favorites is Pasta e Fagioli from Olive Garden. I found this fun copycat recipe and made it earlier in the week with my sister (Lee's not a huge fan of soup so I often make it when he's out of town). Can you say delicious? My next goal is to find a good recipe for chicken tortilla soup which is probably my other favorite. Any suggestions?

Tall brown boots from Target
I've grown to love the boot trend, and I'm in fact wearing my pair of knock-offs I got a few years ago in Asia (they're supposed to look like Dolce and Gabbana but they have D&D instead of D&G so I'm really wearing Dungeons and Dragons boots!) I'm looking for a good deal on a brown pair. They make me feel so trendy (even though I'm definitely behind on the trend).

Wool Toggle Coat from Old Navy
I really love getting to wear coats. I think this one from Old Navy is gorgeous. I'm hoping to get it with the free outerwear coupon I got from Crowdtap. On this website you answer questions about all kinds of different brands and sometimes you earn money or get to sample products (so far I've gotten products from Old Navy and Hawaiian Tropic). Anyway, love coats.

This doesn't have anything to do with Fall, but I found out about something this morning I thought I'd share. UPS is offering something called My Choice. If you've ever had the problem of missing a UPS package this will let you receive notification of when the package will be delivered (I think you can upgrade to find out the 2 hour window), but most importantly for me, you can sign for your package online if you aren't going to be home. I'm looking forward to testing this out since I'm never home when they deliver stuff. Oh, and you're automatically entered into a giveaway, so bonus!

What are some of your favorite Fall related things?

P.S. The Crowdtap link is a referral link so I get a little somethin' somethin' if you sign up through it.

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Truth of the Matter

Sorry it's been forever since I've posted. I don't really have an excuse. Things are actually pretty calm right now which is kind of a nice season to be in. Soon though I'll seriously be looking into jobs in the Louisville, KY area. If you didn't know, Lee will be going to The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary starting next Fall so I'll need a new job. He's offically been accepted so keep me in your prayers during the job search. There doesn't seem to really be any VLSI jobs (which is what I studied for my Masters) so it'll probably require a slight career change, but I'm up for it.

SBTS: Nice looking place huh!? Found here
I wanted to update everyone on the Bible Study I just finished. I was a part of a group of women from our church who went through Me, Myself, and Lies: A Thought Closet Makeover by Jennifer Rothschild. It was a good study although different from what I'm used to.
It's about how to stop telling ourselves those hurtful lies we all mentally say ("I'm stupid," "I don't matter," etc) and how to tell ourselves the truths God has given us ("I'm a child of God," "I've been redeemed," etc).
There was a lot of good practical advice in this book and a ton of scripture, although it jumps around a lot. It's a little more touchy feely than I normally like in a bible study, but it is about truth from scripture, not just someone's ideas. It's a different way of thinking how to think.
If you know of a group doing it and you're a woman who struggles with negative thoughts it's a good study to do. It's helped me to realize just how selfish and sinful my self-depricating thoughts can be.

Anybody else doing any good bible studies? Have you done this one before?