Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday's Favorites

So here are a few things I've really been enjoying lately. Maybe you'll enjoy them too.

Pinterest is a fun site where you can "pin" images of things you like such as clothes, food, crafts, etc. You can also see what others are pinning and get great ideas. My only problem is I have too many new ideas and not enough time. As of now you have to be invited to Pinterest, but you can request an invitation to the site or request one from me.

Lendle is a great site for those who read books on their Kindle or Kindle App. It's a site for sharing Kindle ebooks. You list all the books you have and depending on that you get a certain number of books you can borrow. You request a book and if it's available you get a week to accept it and then 2 weeks to read it. It's all done through Amazon, but the Lendle website is not technically associated with Amazon. Books can only be lent once and you have to be willing to lend books you've bought in order to borrow other books. A lot of the books I read aren't available for lending, but I've found out about some new authors this way for free! Plus, you get paid a certain amount for each book you successfully lend, although it isn't much. Still a nice incentive.

Found here.
I love these white hair flowers. My friend Cori has a gorgeous one and I was a twinge jealous so I went and bought one yesterday. I'm really looking forward to trying it out soon.

Found here.
 I've been waiting on this book from Lisa Bergren for a while now. I loved the first two and I was so excited to get Torrent yesterday. I can't wait to see how this series ends. It's marketed for teen readers, but that's never stopped me before. Time traveling to medieval Italy, what's not to love. Check out this series for sure.

What are some of the things you've been enjoying lately?


  1. I just bought all 3 of the River of Time books. I had gotten Waterfall for free on my Kindle, but then I liked the covers so much I decided I wanted the actual books to look at! I can't wait to start Cascade, but I am finishing another book first. Other things I have been enjoying lately are my crochet projects. I have them all lined up for Christmas gifts. I'm starting to purchase yarn every chance I get. I also bought some material to make a couple of dresses for my daughter. I'm not happy with the pattern she picked or how it turned out though :( I'm also enjoying some cooler weather. Although I see that it is going to get hot again next week. Sigh...

  2. Oooh. I've enjoyed the cooler weather too!
