Before we get to our video, an update on a few things. I just finished my Beth Moore study on David: David: 90 Days with A Heart Like His (Personal Reflections Series)
. I'm probably going to be writing more on this later. I'm going through a very short devo for the next couple of weeks and then I'm looking to try out one of Kay Arthur's inductive studies: Walking in Power, Love, and Discipline: 1 And 2 Timothy and Titus (The New Inductive Study Series)
. If any girls are interested in doing this with me and meeting once a week I'd love to do a group study. I think it's 13 weeks or so which would take us through the summer. Please let me know. You can get a used copy on Amazon for $4 shipped.
And now our Manic Monday video. This is for all you who, like me, enjoy those hilarious Old Spice commercials. Have a great Monday and take some time to relax!
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