I just recently finished the bible study by Beth Moore, David: 90 Days with A Heart Like His
. 90 days is a long time, so if you're possibly interested in doing this bible study, here's what I thought of it before you invest.
Overall, this was a very good bible study. Each day has a scripture passage (either from 1,2 Samuel or Psalms) and one particular verse that's pulled out to reflect on. There are 2 or 3 personal questions to consider. Most of these challenged me greatly. Some were very hard to think about (like "How easily does a vengeful spirit creep in on you?") They really got me thinking. She then goes through a short devo bringing out main points of the passage and tying in other passages of scripture. She does a great job of utilizing outside resources and really digging in to the verses. She then prays through scripture, often times bringing in the New Testament. God loves when we pray scripture back to Him.
One of the things I didn't like as much about this bible study was that the 90 days seemed a bit stretched. There were a couple of days where I felt like I didn't get as much out of it because the connection between the scripture and the devo was a little thin. I don't think she made things up or anything. They were spiritual truths, just maybe not ones you could get from that particular passage. I also wish the New Testament had been tied in more. The very last day was about Jesus as the fulfillment of prophecy of a Davidic King that will sit on the throne forever. I felt like more could/should have been done with this. But remember, she does tie in a lot of the New Testament in the prayers.
Overall, I really enjoyed this bible study and I learned a lot about myself and my relationship with God. I've re-evaluated how I interact with those around me and with my Father. I pray that what I've learned bears visible fruit in my life. I recommend this bible study to anyone. Guys may not get some of the application, but for the most part it's pretty gender neutral. Give it a try because it really will invoke a change in heart.
Oh, and if you're in the area and you want to borrow this from me you can. I don't write in my books because I want others to be able to use them without all my random thoughts strewn about. That's what my journal is for ;)
Kacie Woodmansee is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com
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