Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Manic Monday (on Tuesday)

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend.  My weekend included:
  • Friday night hang-out time at a friend's new place (which happens to be in the same apartment complex as us).
  • Helping out up in Joplin on Saturday. More detailed story with pictures hopefully soon to come.
  • Watching Pirates 4 at the drive in on Saturday night.  Hero tried to hang himself by bailing out the back of the truck while tied up.  All he ended up doing though was peeing on himself (and Lee) because he was scared.
  • Quality time with the Penick clan on Monday. We ate some wonderful food and the guys played bocce ball while the girls enjoyed the rehearsal for some outdoor amateur theater.
  • And quite a bit of cleaning the whole weekend.
And a special thanks to all who have served in the military over the years.  Thanks to their families as well who deal with their loved one giving so sacrificially.
To get your Monday Tuesday started off right, here's some super creepy sound effects made by one "instrument." I don't like horror movies, but I love seeing how they make sound effects.  Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for helping out in Joplin! Its amazing how many people have come to help clean up. It's been amazing seeing the progress over the past few weeks compared to the after math from the first few days.
